Hypnotherapy + Coaching

Hypnotherapy + Coaching

Break Free From Limiting Beliefs & Manifest Your Dream Life with

Personalized Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Ready to transform your life? Using a unique blend of neuroscience, psychology, and manifestation, my custom 1:1 programs empower you to manifest your goals, break free from limitations, and create a mindset and action plan aligned with your wildest dreams.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

  • Oftentimes you know logically what needs to be done to reach your goals…but something still seems to be getting in the way…

  • It feels like there is an obstacle you need to overcome that is separating you from who you want to be, how you want to feel, what you want to have, or what you want to do. You know that your dreams are just on the other side of this block.

  • You are fed-up and tired with the continual, habitual thought patterns that keep coming up. Patterns you’ve learned from the past, and lessons you keep encountering again and again. You KNOW you need to try something different. SOMETHING needs to change, so that you can close this chapter once and for all and begin to write a new one.

    I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way.

Let yourself embark on a personalized journey of


  • You’ll receive a complete mental makeover; experiencing the calm, confidence, and clarity that is accompanied by healing at both the conscious + subconscious levels. Unlike generic self-help programs, my process combines subconscious Hypnotherapy with Manifestation Coaching for a full-mind approach

  • You’ll learn to deliberately choose your thoughts so that you can manifest the life you’ve always wanted to live

  • You’ll learn to release resistance, quiet the mind, and harness the power of aligned thoughts, feelings, & actions

  • You’ll gain a newfound understanding of your past - releasing aspects that no longer serve you and upgrading your mindset to support your intended future

  • You’ll create a life of your own design. And the mindset that can successfully support it

Conscious issues require conscious solutions, just as subconscious issues requires subconscious solutions. And when you work with Brittany, she takes a holistic approach - addressing change on both the conscious & subconscious level.

And through this process of reinvention, Current You and Future You become ONE.

So that you can stand upon the mountaintop of your life, completely at ease, surveying all that you’ve done - feeling content with where you are at, while excited for where you are going.

What My Clients Are Saying About their Transformation Journeys…

What to expect in our 1:1 work together…


Without putting an address into the GPS, you’ll never arrive at your destination! During our first session, we will focus on creating a baseline understanding of where you currently are and where you want to go. We focus our attention on clarifying who exactly is β€˜Future You’ and what will be required to get you there.

Clarify Results


Unravel Perceived Obstacles

Throughout our subsequent sessions, we will work on unraveling the limiting beliefs, habits, & resistance that stand between Current You and Future You. This is a process of conscious coaching and subconscious mind reprogramming.

In between sessions, you will listen to your custom hypnosis recordings, complete various upleveling and self-inquiry exercises, and practice stepping into Future You through taking aligned action.


Create New, Helpful Beliefs & Plan of Action

After you’ve cleared the resistance, fear and doubt that has been holding you back, we will then begin to reprogram the subconscious mind to find safety, security & familiarity with your bright, new future. This includes doing the conscious mind coaching to get clear on the actions required to get you there, as well as the subconscious mind brain training (through Hypnotherapy) to strengthen new beliefs.

Determine the level of support that is right for you:

6 Session Bundle

MOST POPULAR - most clients require at least 6 sessions per topic/goal

You will receive:

  • (6) 90-minute Hypnotherapy + Coaching sessions via Zoom ($3777 value)

As well as a Personalized Dashboard that includes:

  • Hypnotherapy Learning Video Library about the Neuroscience behind Hypnotherapy ($97 value)

  • Progress Habit Tracker(s) to help you keep an eye on your results & boost accountability with your Hypnosis audios ($47 x 2 = $94 value)

  • Personalized Recommendations & Coaching Exercises ($47 value)

  • Self-Hypnosis Audio Recording ($27 value)

  • Personalized Affirmations ($17 value)

PLUS exclusive access to Brittany’s best-selling online courses:

  • The Journey to Destination Manifestation ($497 value)

  • BE Confident in 30 Days ($97 value)

  • Your Confidence Co-Pilot Audio Bundle ($57 value)


Also includes a custom fully produced Hypnotherapy audio recording written & recorded specifically for you and your exact needs ($497 value)

Total Value: $5207

Actual: $1997

Single Session

Ideal for those who want to book sessions 1 at a time

You will receive:

  • (1) 90-minute Hypnotherapy session via Zoom ($630 value)

  • Self-Hypnosis Audio Recording ($27 value)

  • Personalized Affirmations ($17 value)

Within 2 weeks of your session, if you decide to enroll in a 6 session program, you can apply the cost of this session to receive $333 OFF your program

Total Value: $674

Actual: $397



This is for you if….

  • You are ready and willing to manifest your deepest desires!

  • You are ready to step into your next chapter & iteration of You.

  • You are serious about ditching your old story and adopting the new habits of thought, belief, feeling, and action required to manifest results.

  • You want a high-touch, expansive mentor & guide who will examine your mind with you and will help you to heal your blind spots & manifestation blocks.

  • You want to be expertly guided to transform on both the conscious and subconscious level. And you are looking for the individualized 1:1 attention & guidance that will get you there.

  • You are committed to bringing your full self to our time together, listening to your custom Hypnosis audio recording daily, taking continual action towards your goals, completing your coaching exercises, and reading your recommended materials in between sessions.

  • You are willing to be challenged - physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

  • You are willing to navigate growing pains and come out the other side.

  • You are willing - and excited - to change!

This isn’t for you if….

  • You are looking for someone to do the work for you. Change requires repetition and commitment. It requires surrendering and allowing. It requires growth. Hypnotherapy isn’t a magic spell. Even though I dedicate over 20 hours of personalized attention to each one of my program clients, I’m merely the conductor of the orchestra - YOU are the one playing the instrument! And that’s good news - because that means you will learn skills that will become a part of you and that you will take with you long after our time working together.

  • You aren’t ready to question your current thoughts and dispel your current beliefs. (You secretly hope that I’ll believe your excuses for why this isn’t possible for you - spoiler alert - I won’t! ❀️)

  • You don’t believe there’s even a 1% chance your life can change for the better.

  • You are looking for medical mental health support. I am not a mental health professional. Hypnotherapy & Manifestation Coaching are fantastic tools to shift your mindset and create lasting emotional change, but are intended to be used in conjunction with (and are not intended to replace) any recommendations set forth by your psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or doctor.

Love from Clients


β€œβ€¦Because of that session, I was able to pivot my business model, and not only create space to grow my business and experiment in a way that I had never done before, but it also opened me up to this idea and possibility that I could write my own book one day. And after our session, I started to write my first personal memoir, on top of growing my copywriting, ghost writing & marketing business…Without Brittany’s help in this area and helping me clear these subconscious blocks that we're coming up - through the power of hypnosis and through Brittany’s gift - this would not be possible! There is no one better to walk with you through this journey.”



β€œThrough working with Brittany, she really helped me conquer that fear. Being able to play the piano is an accomplishment that I’m probably the most proud of, because I was so terrified going into it. I would just very confidently recommend Brittany to anyone who is seeking help in a certain area of their life and I am just so grateful for everything she has done for me in my life as an artist & as a person.”

β€œMy experience has been awesome. She's been an empathetic, compassionate and whip-smart guide through the process. Results have been great! I have been able to challenge some of my self-defeating thought patterns, get to the root of my imposter syndrome, understand what is rational vs. irrational worry with a little bit more clarity.”


Determine the level of support that is right for you:

6 Session Bundle

MOST POPULAR - most clients require at least 6 sessions per topic/goal


  • (6) 90-minute Hypnotherapy + Coaching sessions via Zoom ($3777 value)

As well as a Personalized Dashboard that includes:

  • Hypnotherapy Learning Video Library about the Neuroscience behind Hypnotherapy ($97 value)

  • Progress Habit Tracker(s) to help you keep an eye on your results & boost accountability with your Hypnosis audios ($47 x 2 = $94 value)

  • Personalized Recommendations & Coaching Exercises ($47 value)

  • Self-Hypnosis Audio Recording ($27 value)

  • Personalized Affirmations ($17 value)

PLUS exclusive access to Brittany’s best-selling online courses:

  • The Journey to Destination Manifestation ($497 value)

  • BE Confident in 30 Days ($97 value)

  • Your Confidence Co-Pilot Audio Bundle ($57 value)


Also includes a custom fully produced Hypnotherapy audio recording written & recorded specifically for you and your exact needs ($497 value)

Total Value: $5207

Actual: $1997

Single Session

Ideal for those who want to book sessions 1 at a time


  • (1) 90-minute Hypnotherapy session via Zoom ($630 value)

  • Self-Hypnosis Audio Recording ($27 value)

  • Personalized Affirmations ($17 value)

After your session, if you decide to enroll in a 6 session program within 2 weeks, you can apply the cost of this session to receive $333 OFF your program

Total Value: $674

Actual: $397



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to shift limiting thoughts and beliefs. Hypnosis is essentially a deep, deep state of relaxation, where your subconscious mind is most open and receptive to change. It is best described as meditation, but with a goal. It allows you to bypass the critical factor of the mind (which filters incoming information to our brain) and speak to the subconscious mind directly. Our beliefs, emotions, habits, imagination, memories, intuition, and automatic bodily functions reside within the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is completely safe and is a brainwave state that we all experience naturally multiple times every day. While in this state of complete non-resistance, we have greater ability to allow our thoughts to align with our manifestations.

  • Manifestation & Life coaching is the practice of examining our life circumstances and recognizing the actions, feelings and thoughts that create our manifestations & identity. It’s the conscious process of aligning our thoughts with our manifestations & who we want to be. Through this practice, we are able to become more aware of our thinking so that we can deliberately choose the thoughts and actions that align with our desired outcomes. Manifestation & Life Coaching paired with Hypnotherapy allows us to take these findings and further embed them on the subconscious level, for even faster results.

  • You can either book Hypnotherapy + Coaching sessions one by one, or as part of a 6 session bundle. Most clients opt for the 6 session bundle, since most topics require multiple sessions to resolve.

    The number of sessions required will depend on the individual and their unique background, situation, # of manifestations, goals or areas of their life that they’d like to address, and their degree of resistance. Just like you wouldn’t workout with a personal trainer and expect six-pack abs after just one workout, mental transformation requires commitment and ongoing support.

    Please note that the 6 session bundle offers a discounted per session rate as compared to buying the same number of sessions individually. The bundle also includes a free, custom, full-length Hypnotherapy recording for you to keep, as well as and a personalized β€œResource Hub” and Dashboard to guide your journey.

    If you experience your intended results before you’ve used all the sessions in your bundle, we can always use any remaining sessions for other areas of your life that you would like to improve or new manifestations or goals you’d like to achieve!

    If you have specific questions, contact me today and we can discuss which program would best suit your needs.

  • Hypnotherapy & Manifestation Coaching can help you to call in just about anything!

    These tools can be used to shift your mindset regarding any limiting thoughts, beliefs, habits, or resistance you have regarding any area of your life. Click here for a list of the most common topics, manifestations, & life scenarios from our past clients.

  • Just let us know when you book your session(s) and we can arrange to use only one modality or the other.

    However, our strong recommendation would be to incorporate both, as they are far more powerful together than conducted individually.

    Our unique approach facilitates transformation from both the conscious and subconscious perspectives.

    Hypnotherapy is not offered without Coaching, but Manifestation Coaching can be conducted without Hypnotherapy, depending on the topic & what might be at the root of any resistance or blocks you have in this area of your life.

  • Yes, all sessions are conducted via Zoom. I work with clients from around the world, as I offer a variety of options across different time zones, as well as evening & weekend hours.

  • Although both can be utilized to create change within the mind, I am not a medical doctor, nor a licensed mental health practitioner, and do not diagnose or treat any physical or mental disorders. My Hypnotherapy & Coaching sessions are for educational and motivational/positive thinking purposes only.

    However, there has been research that supports the efficacy of Hypnotherapy in comparison to traditional Talk Therapy. In a study published by American Health magazine, it was found that those that experienced treatment at the conscious level, (the Beta brainwave state), using psychoanalysis or traditional talk therapy, recovered 38% of the time after 600 sessions.

    Behavior therapy saw a 72% success rate after 22 sessions.

    Hypnotherapy, (conducted in the Theta brainwave state at the subconscious level) saw a 93% success rate after only 6 private 1:1 sessions.

    Now why is this the case? In Hypnotherapy, we relax the critical factor of the mind, which allows us to instill new thoughts & instructions right at the source of the subconscious mind, rather than depending on a random β€œah-ha” moment we might experience when talking through an issue. This helps us lessen our resistance to positive change. An β€œah-ha” moment you might experience in talk therapy is the critical factor allowing a new thought to enter the subconscious mind! With our practice, we are able to do it deliberately, every time. It’s a state of lessened resistance & pure energetic alignment.

    However, my clients find most success by pairing Traditional Talk Therapy with their Hypnotherapy sessions. In fact, I have some clients who opt for multiple 6 session bundles, where they will work with their therapist to identify areas and thoughts to address, and then they’ll bring those directives back into our Hypnotherapy & Coaching sessions. This way, we can instill new habits of thought at the subconscious level.

  • Mostly yes.

    The only documented cases where a state of hypnosis becomes inaccessible is with clients who are diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

    Otherwise, everyone can be hypnotized, as it’s a perfectly natural and safe state of being. In fact, in this resistance-free state, you are most intune with who you truly are & most aligned with your Higher Self.

    And for that reason, I have yet to have a client who cannot reach a state of hypnosis.

    As with any skill, you will continue to go deeper (and the effects will last longer) the more that you practice it.

  • It feels like a deep, deep state of relaxation & non-resistance.

    However, you can still have a conversation and move your body freely while in Hypnosis. In fact, we call it a β€œconversation with your eyes closed” because you will be speaking to me while in a state of hypnosis.

    Emotions may arise (which is perfectly fine and normal), since we are accessing the area of the brain where your emotions reside.

    Some clients feel a variety of different physical sensations during hypnosis, such as:

    • Feelings of lightness or heaviness

    • Eyes fluttering

    • Swallowing more than usual

    • Release of repressed emotions

    • Twitching

    • Tingling in their extremities

    • Alignment goosebumps

    • Light dizziness

    • Tightness in the hands

    • An altered perception of time (it might feel longer or shorter than actuality)

    • A state of euphoria or joy

    But these responses are all completely normal and I’ll help you navigate them so that you remain comfortable and deeply relaxed throughout your session.

  • Not much of anything!

    It’s more about relaxing, allowing, surrendering, and releasing resistance. We practice a state of alignment. The best attitude is to remain open and curious. I only ask you to listen to the sound of my voice and enter a beautiful state of surrender. If thoughts pop up, that’s perfectly fine, but go ahead and acknowledge that they are there, observe them, and refocus on the sound of my voice.

  • Yes and no.

    The state of Hypnosis is technically the Theta brainwave state. We experience it naturally at least 2x per day (sometimes even more) - such as right as we fall asleep, and right when we wake up in the morning. You don’t have to believe in hypnosis to experience this state of mind; it’s a natural part of the human experience.

    However, if you want to use Hypnosis for therapeutic, manifestation, & personal growth purposes (as we do during our sessions), you have to want the results to have them work for you.

    You cannot be hypnotized against your will - your brain is designed to protect you from unwanted change.

    I recommend asking yourself the following question: β€œOn a scale from 0-10, how much do I want this change or manifestation?” 0 would be not at all, 10 would be more than anything.

    If you answered with a 7 or above, you are open and willing to make the change. Any remaining resistance is something we can address through our work together.

    If you scored any lower, I would suggest that you think through and find a different manifestation that you desire more.

  • Yes! This is one of the most exciting and powerful uses for Hypnotherapy and the area that I specialize in!

    Hypnotherapy puts you in touch with the larger part of you - your Inner Being, Soul, All-That-Is Energy, through the channel of your non-resistant Subconscious Mind. By lessening resistance through deep relaxation, we are able to experience amazing energetic shifts. This is where the latest in neuroscience, quantum physics, psychology, and spirituality all intersect! When we are tapping into the subconscious mind, we are tapping into that Infinite Energy, the Emotional Intelligence we have within us, and to our Intuition. In fact, scientifically speaking, our Intuition is merely cues that our subconscious mind is aware of, but our conscious mind is not. During our sessions, we are managing our thoughts to tune into the frequency of our desires. Through Hypnotherapy & Coaching, we can release the limiting beliefs & resistance that are separating you from the realization of your desires.

    In fact, it’s through nightly Hypnosis that I manifested becoming a houseguest on the CBS TV show β€˜Big Brother!’

  • 1:1 sessions are the deepest form of Hypnosis, since they are specifically guided to be best suited to you and what you are experiencing in that moment. Therefore, it requires much less reinforcement than listening to audio recordings alone.

    However, for maximum effect and quicker change, I do request that my clients supercharge their results by listening to their provided Hypnotherapy recordings daily in between sessions.

  • Absolutely not.

    During Hypnotherapy, you remain in complete control of your experience. No one can hypnotize you to do or say anything against your will. The Law of Self-Preservation is still in effect. This is exactly why you must WANT to change in order for your brain to allow these changes to occur.

  • Absolutely not!

    It’s actually incredibly pleasant, oftentimes blissful, and very relaxing - like a mental massage. Most clients feel relaxed, refreshed, and motivated after their session. Some may feel a bit tired, especially if they released quite a bit of repressed emotions during the session.

    It might be surprising at times - you may find yourself chuckling or surprised at the messages your subconscious mind brings to your awareness.

    However, it’s not scary because we maintain a safe psychological distance the entire time. It's the state of alignment of being intune with your InnerBeing...which is never a scary experience. It's like coming home.

    If for any reason, at any point in time you want to stop, you can open your eyes and bring yourself out of the experience. You are in control the entire time.

  • You will absolutely consciously remember the Life Coaching portions of our sessions.

    As for the Hypnotherapy portions, you may remember every detail, or you may have more of a general sense of what happened. Almost like when you watch a movie and you remember the plot, but you may not remember every single scene exactly in order. It depends on the individual, their depth of hypnosis, and their unique experience each time.

    Hypnosis is considered a retroactive experience, so you may remember details or learnings even several days later, as your subconscious mind begins to integrate our work together.

    Regardless whether you consciously remember the session or not - your subconscious mind will remember every word I said on the deepest level.

    Some people experience a lighter form of Hypnosis, some experience a deeper form - and both are equally valid and effective.

  • Here is the example I like to give - a stage hypnotist show is like a candy bar and Hypnotherapy is like broccoli.

    The Hypnotic stage show is β€œjunk food” - purely for entertainment (yet fun all the same!) and Hypnotherapy is for healing, alignment, and mental nourishment.

    Both utilize components of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) & Hypnosis, but both create different results.

    Rest assured, there is no need to be β€œentertaining” during our sessions!

  • Doing sessions 1:1 together allows me to monitor you and ensure you are in the deep Theta brainwave state of hypnosis the entire time we are working together.

    And if you do slip out of the Theta brainwave state, I make sure you get back there so that you can get the most out of our session together.

    If a thought pops into your brain during a session, that’s perfectly normal. The conscious mind, although relaxed, is still there slightly in the background. It’s perfectly okay - just refocus on your breathing and bring your attention back to the sound of my voice.

    The only way you can do Hypnosis β€œwrong” is by not attempting it at all!

    Just like anything, it is a skill that you get better at over time.

  • No! You cannot get stuck in a state of Hypnosis.

    You are able to bring yourself in and out of Hypnosis anytime you like. It’s a deep, deep state of relaxation.

    If our Zoom call becomes disconnected for any reason, you will come back up to the Beta brainwave state (the conscious brainwave state you are in as you are reading this right now) or you would drift off to sleep (the Delta brainwave state).

    To avoid these types of interruptions, I do recommend you take the video call in a place where you have a stable internet connection.

  • One of the benefits of working 1:1 with a Hypnotherapist (such as myself) is that she can modulate the depth of your brainwave state, ensuring that you stay in the Theta brainwave state (which is trance/hypnosis), rather than going into Delta (which is sleep).

    However, when listening to Hypnotherapy audio recordings as homework, some people may find that they relax so deeply that they fall asleep.

    Hypnosis is absolutely still effective during sleep, it’s just a different experience, almost like how vanilla and chocolate can both be ice cream, but just different flavors of the same thing. Some people prefer to be more active and remember their hypnosis audio recordings, since it can be a very relaxing experience. If you notice yourself falling asleep and you would prefer to stay awake, I would recommend sitting up while doing your sessions (rather than lying down).

    Sometimes, when we are in such a deep state of hypnosis, it might feel like we are sleeping, but actually we are not! If you β€œwake up” (or come back into conscious awareness) right as the Hypnotherapist is counting you up and out of the session (rather than finding yourself still napping 3 hours later…), then you know you were merely in a deep state of hypnosis during the session, not sleep. This just means that your conscious mind was deeply relaxed and disengaged, leaving your subconscious mind to listen & enjoy the session.



1:1 Hypnotherapy + Manifestation Program

Ready to be who you want to be?

Let me introduce You to β€˜Future You’ NOW…


Sign up for the 6 Session Bundle today and get a custom hypnosis audio recording for free!

Sign up for a 6 session bundle and get a full-length, personalized Hypnosis audio recording that is written & recorded specifically for you - for free! This recording is valued at $300 and is yours to use and keep forever.

See how others have released their subconscioius blocks + manifested their dreams…

1:1 Hypnotherapy + Manifestation Program

Ready to be who you want to be?

Let me introduce You to β€˜Future You’ NOW…

Meet your Guide,

Brittany Hoopes


I am a nationally-recognized & certified Hypnotherapist & Life Coach who takes a multi-faceted approach by combining conscious mind Manifestation Coaching with subconscious mind reprogramming using Hypnotherapy.

After 17 years of studying Manifestation, my purpose in life is to be an example of radical transformation - and to demonstrate that it’s possible for you too.

I’ve experienced the depths of depression, and I lifted the veil and transformed my life through Hypnotherapy. It was then that I decided to dedicate my life to utilizing the power of the subconscious mind to manifest my dreams. And I have been creating my dream life ever since - most notably as a houseguest on the CBS hit TV show Big Brother, and now as the CEO of my very own mindset consultancy. I work with clients worldwide to help them step into the next chapter of their lives.

Brittany is proudly certified in Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching via:

Still unsure how private 1:1 sessions work?

Do you have any concerns about the way that you feel or the life you are currently creating?

Let me answer your questions and help you decide if Hypnotherapy & Manifestation Coaching is right for you.