How to Stop Doubt in Its Tracks
Episode 015
0:06 - Understanding the Progress of Manifestation
8:43 - Navigating Paths to Manifestation
23:50 - Manifesting Magnetism and Focusing on Success
35:02 - Manifestation and Recognizing Signs
In the world of manifestation, it's easy to lose sight of our dreams and potential due to self-doubt and a focus on lack rather than abundance. However, unlocking your manifestation potential is possible and can be accomplished by embracing self-awareness, introspection, and belief. This was the core topic of our latest podcast episode, where we guided listeners through the journey of overcoming self-doubt and manifesting success.
One of the main points we discussed was understanding the progress of manifestation. We often focus on the lack of results, which impedes our manifestation journey. Instead, we should check in with our emotions and our level of belief. This not only helps in identifying what might be blocking our manifestation, but it also aligns us with the vibrational frequency of our desires.
The journey of manifestation is unique for everyone. It's not about following a one-size-fits-all path, but charting a unique course. This involves understanding that not every piece of advice will fit your manifestation puzzle. It's about learning from various sources and experiences, and using our emotions as our internal compass. We emphasized that the journey to manifestation is just as enriching as the destination.
We also delved into the concept of magnetism in manifestation. The power of trust, magnetism, and being selective with who we let into our lives plays a crucial role in manifestation. We discussed the importance of recognizing the signs the universe sends us, changing our attitudes for the better, and appreciating the good in our lives to attract more positivity.
In our discussion on manifestation and recognizing signs, we stressed the importance of being open to the signs the universe sends. Changing our attitude and surrounding ourselves with positive energy can put us on the right path towards successful manifestation.
In actuality, manifestation is far more about the journey than the destination! (Contrary to the name of this podcast!) It's about believing in yourself, overcoming self-doubt, and aligning your energy with the universe. As you navigate your unique path to manifestation, remember to appreciate the journey, recognize the signs from the universe, and trust in your ability to attract abundance and success.
In conclusion, unlocking your manifestation potential is a journey of self-awareness, introspection, belief, and trust. It's about overcoming self-doubt, harnessing the power of emotional magnetism, and recognizing the signs the universe sends. By doing so, you align your energies with the universe and you manifest your dreams!
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Thanks so much for tuning in and I look forward to catching you on our next episode!
Have you ever taken a look around and wondered where is my manifestation? Why hasn't it manifested yet? If I'm doing all the things, how do I know if it's working? Well, if you have, that only means that you're human, and that's exactly what we're going to explore here today on this episode of the podcast. How do we know how close we are to our manifestations on our way towards⦠destination manifestation.
Hello, welcome back, or welcome the first time. If this is your first episode, I'm your host, brittany Hoops. How are you guys doing? Oh, my gosh, I am feeling so good. I'm just happy today. I'm just genuinely joyful today. I don't know, I just kind of woke up and I told my husband I was like I'm just really happy today and I just kind of love when it's so effortless, which is the goal of listening to a show like this. So I'm hoping after the end of this episode, you're going to be feeling really great and happy too. So if you've already subscribed to the show, thank you so much. It means a lot. It's just so wonderful to know that you're going to get that episode right when it comes out. And if you're here for the first time, this is we're into double digits, y'all, this is episode 10. 10. I'm so excited and today I just kind of want to ask you a question. There's going to be lots of questions in today's show, but I want to ask you a question and get just kind of kick us off. Are you ready to release any doubts, any lingering limiting beliefs, any old habits of resistance and manifest your dream life? Are you ready? And if you are, you're in for a treat, because that's exactly what we're covering in today's episode.
This episode is for anyone who has ever sat back, took a look around and was like uh, hello, are my manifestation efforts even working? Like, come on, universe, like where is it? I don't see it here. I've been doing so much. I've done all the things. I've been repeating the affirmations, I've been doing this, I've been doing that, I've been doing this. Look, I'm happy. I'm happy You're not watching the video. I'm like making myself smile. Right, are my manifestation efforts working? Where is it?
You're so focused on the fact that it isn't here yet, and so in this episode, I'm going to ask you four questions that if you were to answer them for yourself and your manifestations, it would completely catapult your success. In fact, I'm going to ask you and I actually encourage you. This is how I like to listen to podcasts. I'm going to coach you through these. I'm going to ask you these high quality questions and I want you to just sort of pause this episode. Of course, come back but pause it and answer the questions for yourself, or even answer them as I'm explaining, kind of what's around them. But I want you to almost use this as a coaching session today. Okay, it's an episode for you to enjoy, but I want it to get you thinking. I want these questions to get you thinking about your manifestation so we can uncover, if this is an issue for you, what might be getting in your way. So be sure to stick around so that you can hear all four questions. So I'm just going to start it out by giving it to you straight.
If you are wondering if your manifestation is working, it is not working. That's the equivalent of asking that question when is it? Where is it? Why isn't it here? That's the equivalent if you were on a long road trip towards destination manifestation. That's the equivalent of stopping the car, getting out of the car, taking a look around and asking am I there yet? But you see, in order to ask that question and to take that look around. You stopped your own car, so you ain't going nowhere. If you were questioning, where's my manifestation, why isn't it here yet?
I want you to ask yourself how do I feel right now? How do I feel? Because our feelings, because our emotions, as Abraham Hicks would put it, is our perfect guidance system. It's our magic compass that we have inside of us that can tell us what direction we're going. So, if you want to know how close you are to your manifestations, check in with your emotions, check in with your vibrations.
Most importantly, I want you to check in with your level of belief. How do you feel right now about that manifestation? Are you excited, hopeful, motivated, determined, or are you feeling doubtful, fearful, insecure, even unsure? How would you characterize your level of belief or faith that you have in your goals and your dreams right now? Let's just say on a scale. You know, I used to be a researcher, so I ask these questions all the time On a scale of zero to 10, zero being, this manifestation is dang near impossible. It's never coming true Versus 10 being like I know that this is meant for me. How are you feeling about that manifestation right now? Because here's the thing If you're asking yourself, is this working? If you're looking for the evidence of it coming true for you, you are focusing on the fact that it isn't there yet, and that's probably not going to feel too good for you Because, honestly, if it was your manifestation, you want to experience it, and so if you're experiencing the lack and you're noticing the lack of it, that usually feels pretty icky and we humans we just rely so much on looking at the world of effects around us.
So when we look at our 3D reality for proof of our manifestation's physical existence and we don't see it yet, we start to doubt. But there is so much potential that exists but remains unseen. I always think of this like can't dogs like hear frequencies that we just don't even hear. Like they hear things way before we even know, and it's just so interesting that it's like oh, we think these things don't exist until we see them. Now let me tell you I wish there was a Domino's Pizza Tracker for our manifestations. Now I will say I'm on my healthy journey now. I have not had Domino's in a while, so that Pizza Tracker is missing me. Did you even know? Those things are fake too. Yeah, I read this really interesting article about how it's fake. Somebody actually went to the Domino's and like covertly tracked it themselves. It was really funny. I was like this is so something I would do. But you know why those trackers whether it's Domino's, maybe it's a progress tracker on QuickBooks if you're doing your taxes you know a lot of these like tech companies have these like tracker things. You know why they exist?
Because people like you and me want proof of our progress, proof of existence, proof that we're making headway, that we're moving, that we're growing, that things are happening. We have a tendency to get antsy when we don't know, if God forbid, we're dun, dun, dun, wasting time or going down the wrong path. Quote on quote wrong path. Now, trust me, there is so much to unravel right here. Right, first of all, there's no right or wrong path. No, there's just the path that you take and literally our journeys will my journey, your journey, the person you're sitting next to's journey if you're sitting next to anybody all of our journeys are going to look so incredibly different. There's no one right or wrong way, and the more you tune into your alignment, the more you listen to your intuition, the more you're divinely guided. That's the path right. If we're thinking about what's right or what's wrong, it's what feels good versus what feels off, and that divine guidance, oh, it feels so good when you're tapped into it and when you're tuned into it. It's the best feeling in the world. It's pure alignment, it's pure love. And here's the thing you can make any path right or wrong for you, depending on the thoughts that you think about it. That's why there's not one set way to do things or one set way to reach your goals.
There are millions of healthy eating and exercise types and styles. One person is like, oh, you have to eat keto. Another person is like, oh, my God, never, ever, would I ever eat meat. And then another person is like oats are unhealthy. And somebody else is like oats are the best thing ever. It's very confusing out there, but guess what? It's? Because there's no right or wrong answer. We're all so different. We're all going to have different paths. There are a million different entrepreneurs, success stories. I always think of this. You know so many entrepreneurs, especially in the online business space.
If you're an entrepreneur, have courses or content that teach you how to do something. For example, I just recently took a very helpful course by Pat Flynn on how to launch a podcast. That's why you're listening to my podcast here right now. Many years ago, he launched a podcast. He learned a lot from that process and then he bottled up his expertise into the form of a course and he's teaching what he has learned.
But I think we have to be very careful. Anytime we take a course, anytime we learn really anything from anybody, whether it's an online course, a book, podcast episodes right, even me telling you my journey and how I manifest is just one version. But sometimes we can look up to these experts and we think, if I just do what they say because again, that's how they're making money, right, they're saying, hey, do what I do and you will get what I have. And so we think, if I just follow step by step and I copy their process and what they do, I will get the same results. But really, in actuality, there are a million different ways that you could even launch and run a podcast. Even that is an example.
Right, this is just one potentiality of all the potentialities that exist. He's sharing his path and what he has learned, but there are infinite ways to do it. They'd be like me sitting here and teaching you how to grow your business, and I'm like step one. Go on a reality TV show where you can meet hundreds of thousands of Americans, many of which who will resonate with you and will want to learn about hypnotherapy and will want to work with you. That's how you build a business. But that's my truth, that's my path. So no one path is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. It's just what's right and wrong for you.
Here's another thing I want to debunk Are you ever wasting time Again? No, because going down any path is always a win-win situation, and here's why I want you to imagine that you're walking down this path towards your manifestation and you're on this journey and you come to a fork in the road. You can go left or you can go right. Both are winning ways to go. You go left, you reach success, you reach your manifestation. Hurray, yay, you're there. You go right, you learn lessons, you collect lessons that will help you as a person, lessons that will allow you to grow, lessons that will give you so much and, as a bonus, those lessons will make it easier and easier for you to reach your manifestations as well. And so I think that oftentimes, we just want to go left. We just want to go directly, straight shot, to our manifestations. But what if, by going right, by collecting all those lessons, then we go left? What if we're given so much more? Because if you took that route, not only do you have the manifestation at some point, but you also have all those other lessons that you wouldn't have had if you just would have went left the very first time. Plus, can I say this Rarely, do we ever go on just one journey right?
Have you ever played those video games? I feel like I'm using all these video game references recently. I'm not a huge gamer. My husband plays a lot of video games, so maybe I've subconsciously picked it up, picked up video game analogies, and I guess I played video games when I was younger. But have you ever played video games where you had to collect items in one level that didn't actually help you in that level but actually helped you beat the next levels further on in the game? That's what collecting those lessons are like. You know, the kind of video games that I actually always sort of love.
I love this structure of game. I love those games where you actually, when you just unbox the video game and you start playing you can actually go and beat the like final boss, whether that be Bowser or some other big boss. Like you can go I think is it Zelda lets you do this Like you can just straight up go to the very end of the game and try to beat the big boss. Like this game will physically let you do that. But guess what? When you try to do that, you're not going to have the armor you need. You're not going to have the weapons that you need, you're not going to have the. You, as a video game player, are not going to know all the moves and have unlocked all the things that will allow you to beat this big boss. So, even though you can go and you can attempt, you don't have the lessons and the things that you've collected to be able to be successful at that. You can go there, but you are going to get your butt kicked. The game will let you turn left from the very moment you start playing, but it's very hard to win. It's in those lessons and what we might consider those detours. It's in the waiting, that where you experience what makes this game so worth playing. But what if you could, just from the very beginning of the game, go and beat the big boss, and then you just beat it and you were done and be like this is a crappy game. It took me two minutes to play. Why did I spend $40 on this? No, you want.
Playing the game is the fun part. So let your emotions be your guide. Let your emotions be your own internal compass towards your manifestations. I sometimes like to think of our emotions like how bats you know, like little scary Halloween's coming up right. Little bats use vibrations and frequencies, something called echolocation, to navigate. They produce these sound waves, these bats, and then those sounds sort of bounce off of objects around them in their environment and then those sounds return to the bats ears, which are finally tuned to be able to recognize those kind of unique calls that they hear. So be a bat, do the same thing. Beat your path towards your manifestation by using your own vibrations, by using your own frequencies of your emotions to know how close or how far away you are, because the better you feel, the closer your manifestation is, and the worse you feel, the more resistance you have, the more blocked you are from allowing that manifestation into your experience. It's kind of like a human version of this If you're not a bat. A human version of this is kind of like playing that hot and cold game as a kid, do you remember that? Or you'd be like warmer, warmer, you're getting warmer, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot right. Or nope, you're colder right and you're like blindfolded and you're like walking around. It's kind of the same thing.
Here's another question for you to ask yourself what's standing between me and certainty right now? We started to talk a little bit about belief. I want you to answer this question what is standing between you and certainty right now? Now, here's the thing you wouldn't be asking this question of where is it, is this working, if you were certain? Certain people don't ask that, they just know. So why are you feeling uncertain about your manifestation? This answer is going to point you towards where you may need to be doing some work. It's going to welcome you to your limiting beliefs, those pesky thoughts that you've been entertaining, that have created this doubt or this fear within you, and so we want to clear those up, because all they're doing is creating negative emotion and disbelief for you, which we know from the first point I said here is ensuring that you're not a vibrational match for what you desire.
So I want you to visualize that you're on this journey, right, and you're on the side of the road. You have one of those kind of old school roadmaps you picture like dads from the 80s, like wrestling with this roadmap. Right, you're turning the map upside down. You don't know which way is north, which way is south. You're where you are, but you know that you need to reach route certainty. Right, it's the highway. That's the direct route to destination manifestation, because when you take this certainty highway, you're bound to reach your manifestation.
So let me ask you what is standing in your way? What is your past? Maybe you're telling me I have tried this 10 million times, brittany, my 10 millionth and one attempt is going to be just like all the others. Maybe you're having thoughts that you're looking towards your past to predict your future. So your past experience is blocking your sense of certainty here, right now. Well, that's an easy fix. That just means that your car is pointed in the wrong direction Route certainty is north and you're pointed south. You're looking back at your past to try to predict your future. I mean, think about it this way. This is kind of how we're making it hard on ourselves, right?
Imagine if you tried to drive forward but only looking through your rear view mirror or through reverse right, you would certainly crash. That would be very hard. I don't even care how many cameras you got in your car, you wouldn't get anywhere very fast. So what do you do in that case? You turn that car on around. You, focus on your future, the path that is ahead of you.
But let me make this clear have you ever been driving and you look out kind of too far ahead of you and then all of a sudden, just in the nick of time, you notice that the car right immediately in front of you has their brake lights on and has stopped, and so you have to kind of slam on your brakes. I feel like this happens sometimes in traffic, where you're like, oh, look, how much traffic. And then you're like, ah, I'm right here. Yeah, you're looking too far ahead. So really you need to be pointed towards your future. But your focus isn't way out there in the future, up in the road ahead. You're actually focused just on the car length right in front of you. Because if you know, if you focus just on the car length right in front of you, you will get to that future location. It's pointed towards the future but focused in the present moment, and so let me say that again, your focus is pointed towards the future as opposed to being pointed backwards towards the past, but your focus always remains in the present moment. I'm so glad that we were talking about this.
This was on my heart this week. This is a huge point I want to make and it's actually a concept I've been refining and sort of clarifying for myself and my clients for the past few weeks. So I used to think and I see a lot of manifestation teachers phrase it this way but I used to think that manifestation was all about embodying future you. The version of you who has what you want to have, is who you want to be, that future version of you, right? And I think we say future you because we think, okay, well, I don't have the manifestations here right now, me and the future will so like, let's embody the future version of myself, and that's great and that's fine.
But you know what you do when you focus in the future. All the time, you do several things. First of all, you get feeling like you need to get over there, and then you get angry or resentful when you find yourself stuck in traffic, right, you start hating where you are in an effort to sort of get over there. And then are you very aligned. No, you're feeling pretty awful in your present because you're like I want to be over there, but I'm stuck in traffic where I am right now and here, like you, feel this dissonance, right?
Here's another thing you manifest more future. It's like a cat toy on a string, right? Your manifestations exist in this perpetual future. So once you get to the place that used to be what you would consider the future, the manifestations have just jumped out further into the future, and so you're always chasing what is ahead of you. You're never actually receiving the things that you want or feeling satisfied with where you are. I mean, this literally sounds like torture. Can you imagine just like reaching and grasping for something out there that you want? That's in the future, but it always is ahead of you. You can never reach it. That's what we do when we try to. You know, become future me.
So here's what I want you to do instead, instead of thinking of the version of you as future, you think of this version of you as something I like to call now manifested me. It's the version of me whom bodies all of my manifestations, and I choose to be her right now. In fact, it's only by being her right now that I'll manifest that version of me fully. Thank you. And when I say me, I also mean you Like. You wanna be the manifested you. You wanna be that version of you right now. And I love that, because that mindset shift was everything for me.
I went from having this feeling of feeling like stuck and desperately wanting this future that hadn't arrived yet, and realizing that hadn't arrived yet and being cranky about that, wanting to be somewhere else than where I was currently at, versus when I had the switch, where I realized it's not future me, it's manifested me, to loving the present moment being me, but showing up here in the present moment as the version of me that I want to be, because that's all manifestation is. It's being that version of you, believing in that version, becoming that version of you, and then practicing it again and again, and again and again until you get really good at it, and then you just have the thing. And to make this extra spicy, okay, I like to give. Oh, my God, this is kind of a little embarrassing, but I like to give this manifested me version a name, okay, and I want you to do the same thing too. Have some fun with me, okay. It's almost kind of like an alter ego, but it's like it reminds you who you're stepping into See, do you wanna hear mine? I'll share mine with you, okay, mine is. It's very long, it's a mouthful, magnetic. Emmy, millionaire, mama, that's mine. I like the alliteration of all the M's. I'll say that, and here's why I strung all these words together and why it encompasses my manifested me.
I'm a projector. If you're into human design, I'm a projector. That probably is not a surprise. I feel like I've thought my projector tendencies for so long and now I'm trying to kind of ease into my projector nature. I wanna increase my magnetism. So in the past I feel like I've kind of been the person who usually wants to be friends with everyone. I'm extending kindness out to anyone. I'm just kind of like this puppy dog that wants to say hi and be petted by everyone, and although I will say I never wanna lose my kindness, that is a quality of myself that I value, and that's a quality I value in other people too.
I do want to become, to a certain degree, more selective about the people that I allow to enter my life, because, I'll say, a lot of my strife comes from letting in people who end up not respecting my home. You know what I mean my like internal mental home, and it's like I don't need to let you in my house if you're not gonna be nice. You know big brother taught me that, and so I wanna radiate energy and trust. I want to like be that beacon so that those people who are a match for me they can find me. And what's funny is that, like I do this very well in certain aspects of my life, like with my clients in my business, my audience.
Like it's no accident that I think you are listening to this podcast here today. I know we manifested each other and I am so grateful for that. My one-on-one hypnotherapy and coaching clients are some of the most magnificent people I have ever met. Seriously, go to my website If you wanna just like have your jaw just drop, read some of those testimonials. You will be blown away by the things that my clients have manifested, the improvements that they've made through our work together. Like it is such a beautiful, energetic match. I just I love it. I know it was meant to be, and it's so funny. We feel like both of us feel that way and I just love that. But now I wanna apply this sense of magnetism to my friendships, to my personal life too.
The Emmy even though it technically starts with a knee, it kinda sounds like an M, and so that part of my name stands for the Arm Loads of Awards I want to have for my own TV show that I will have Millionaire, self-explanatory, as well as Mama. So magnetic Emmy, millionaire mama, that is me, that has manifested me Two more M's for the record. And guess what? I don't have to wait a single dang second to become her. Nope, I am, I'm here, I'm her right now. She is leading this podcast right now, mmmmm. In fact, it's only by practicing her now will I become her, and I'll tell you when I am her.
Just being her brings so much clarity. Whenever I'm like stuck, I'm like, okay, I don't know this next decision to make in my business, or what should I eat for lunch today, or what should I, you know what? What would manifested me do? What would magnetic Emmy, millionaire mama do? Wwmmmmmd, right for me. And then I just know, okay, she wouldn't worry about this or that. She's got this.
I know the energy that she shows up at it's acting as if, right, it's getting into character here, and I think we think of getting into character as, like you know, donning a costume or like acting right, but actually think about that. It's getting into character, her values, her intentions, her knowing her character, adopting her character, thinking like her, moving like her or him. I'm just using her, her or him or they or however you identify, right, it's about identifying identity. It's adopting your own identity, and this identity is the manifested version of you, and that manifested you is certain, because it's her life, and that certainty is why she's manifested. So, be in her certainty, be manifested.
So here's another question to ask yourself what is working? What do I have here right now? This is another way to make sure your car is pointed towards destination manifestation. Because here's the thing what you focus on grows. You manifest more of where you place your focus. So I might have used this analogy before, so forgive me. I was either on the podcast or it was on one of my Instagram lives I did here recently. But your focus is kind of like this magic wand right, it's your magic manifesting wand, something out of Harry Potter, and so whatever you boop with your wand by placing your attention on it and having thoughts about it, is what you manifest more of. So what begins to happen if we focus on what is working? What begins to happen when you focus on what you already do? Have you create more of it right? This is why gratitude is so integral to our manifestation practice. By focusing on the good things we have, we receive more of those good things. So what is working with your manifestation right now? What do you have already? I ran into this situation just the other day. You know this podcast. It's new. We're episode 10. We're loving it, we're living it. We're growing.
I'm posting more online. I'm playing around with different formats. I'm sure you've seen some of those reels. Thank you for sharing them. Now, some of the first reels I posted. They performed really well. People were sharing it. Everyone's super excited about the launch of the podcast.
Then it kind of started to go a little downhill. Not going to lie Wasn't what I expected. I feel bad, even complaining about the views, because I know even myself what I would have considered a low amount of views, like a year ago, were numbers I used to dream about. But you get acclimated to wherever you're at right, and I will admit I was checking those results like way too early I'd post something and I'd be like the next moment I'd be like, how many likes do I have? It's like Brittany, calm down, right.
And so I realized that I was doing this. I was focusing on the lack of views, the lack of reach compared to what my expectations were, and so I had to figure out a way to shift myself in a really big way, right? So how do you do this? Focus on what you do have. Now I found this nifty website. I'll link to it in the show notes if it's helpful for you, but I found this website that helps you visualize different crowds of different sizes. So it's like here's what 10 people look like, here's what 50 people look like, here's what 500 people look like, here's what 2,000 people look like. You can visualize numbers and crowds, and that made those numbers feel so much more real to me. I was focusing on the people that were there, instead of just random numbers on the screen. All of a sudden, it reminded me that actually, when I put this thing out there, really the size of a football stadium is watching my content okay, each and every day. That's pretty awesome. I'm not focused on who's not in that stadium, I'm focused on who is giving value to who is there, and I pictured myself, with my mic or my camera, right At the center of this football stadium, recording this episode, like, how cool is that? Because that's what's happening. I made you all you listening to this right now feel real. I'm more concerned about the you who is here, what I do have, than all of the thems that are not here. You know what I mean. So focus on what you have. What do you have in relation to your manifestation right now?
I also realized that I was jumping the gun a little bit. Okay, I went and, for inspiration, I went and looked at some of my favorite social media accounts. I think we talked about this in a past episode, about how you wanna look to examples of people who have what you want, and so I was thinking, okay, let's go look at some examples of people who have the kind of following, the kind of reach, the sort of audience that I wanna have. And so I looked at those people who embodied this success online that I'm working towards, because I wanted to see the types of content that they put out. I wanted to learn a thing or two so that I could tweak my process and improve my own content right, and so, of course, my eyes were sort of scanning their reel, scanning their TikToks for the ones that went viral, the ones that got millions of views. But here's something that I realized, something that I think I knew but never had really hit me before. Do you know what it means to go viral? Do you know how you go viral? Here's how you go viral.
For every viral reel or TikTok that these people had that had over like a million views, they had hundreds. I'm not exaggerating. They had hundreds of pieces of content that only got 15, 20, 30k views. I say only because, compared to a million, that's way lower, right, the majority of the content that they made these people were brilliant content creators that they made were in the lower range, not the million view range. Does it mean that that content is bad? No, it just means that to land a million view piece of content, a piece of content that goes viral, you have to put out a lot of content that falls far shorter than that.
That's the process, and not a single person I admire online has only a few pieces of content. There was no one that I went to that I was like, oh, they're amazing, and they only had five reels and all of them had a million views. No, that wasn't the case. Their content is all over the place. The only thing that they all have in common is that they continue to show up, and it's funny because when I think of them, I think of them as super successful online. I remember them for that reel that got a million views. It's probably the reel that brought me to them, right, that helped me find them. But I wonder sometimes if they see themselves that way. They probably see themselves as someone who creates 99.9% non-million view reels or TikToks. Right, that's their reality. So it's just a reminder that you have to stick with the process, focus on what's working, do more of that and continue to refine, finesse and improve your process.
Okay, I have a very quick little fun manifestation story that relates to this. So one of the people I looked up I looked up a variety of people, but one of the people I looked up is this account called Simplifying Sam, and I'll link to her because she's an amazing. If you like manifestation, you will love her content as well, and so one of the people I looked up is her. I really love following her online, so I purposely went to her profile to look at her content and do this exercise, and the latest reel that she had posted was exactly about this. It was this exact point that I had just come to realize by looking at her content and it was so funny because I was like how meta is that Me? A manifestation coach manifested her, a manifestation coach creating this content. About manifesting content, I was like whoa, my mind is like boggled and I commented and let her knew that and we just had a good laugh about it. It was great.
So ask yourself where are you noticing shifts? Where are you noticing positive changes? Maybe you want to manifest a million dollar a year in your business. Celebrate the 100K, celebrate the 500K, celebrate the 750K that you're at. Maybe you want to manifest balanced hormones to have a baby. You guys know I'm doing this. Celebrate the changes in your body that you're witnessing. I know I am. I'm like, oh great, I have so much more energy. Right, it doesn't have to be the baby just yet. You can celebrate the positive changes along the way, because the more you celebrate those changes, the more positive changes you begin to see. Here's the last question I want to ask you.
Ask yourself where are the signs? Oh, and this one's my favorite you guys know I love the woo-woo stuff. This is just so delicious. You know how you begin to know when you're on the right track towards your manifestation. It's kind of like how you know if you're on the right track when you're driving down the highway. You look at the signs. You know you're in that juicy, aligned state and just communicating back and forth with the universe. When you start to notice the signs whether it be angel numbers like 111 or 222, or maybe you see birds or butterflies or other animals or symbols kind of appearing around you or signs from loved ones who have passed away or anything else Just be open to receiving those signs from the universe. They're saying, yes, you're headed in the right direction. Yes, keep going. You got this. Keep trusting, keep going. Oh, one of my favorite signs ever that I received it was when I was actively manifesting being cast on Big Brother, and I think I shared this before, but I did a self-hypnosis audio recording. It's 10 minutes long. It's something I give every single one of my one-on-one clients when they enroll in a program with me. I use this recording to manifest being on Big Brother. And you know I did. It worked right.
And so, as I was in that process and listening to that recording every night before I went to bed, I was sitting there one day I was reading a book, and this was right when I was just in the thick of the audition process for Big Brother. I was reading this book and I came across the phrase expect the unexpected. That's what I read, and so if you're unfamiliar with Big Brother, that's like the catchphrase of the show expect the unexpected. And it literally made me laugh out loud, because the book was not about Big Brother. The book was about something completely unrelated. Because here I was literally waiting for the phone to ring to hear from the producers if they were going to come to my house to film for Big Brother. And then I'm reading this random book and that phrase pops up and I'm like okay, universe, I hear you, I know, I know it's coming. Thank you for the reassurance, right, and here's kind of the interesting thing too Maybe some other day, some other time period in my life, that same phrase I might have come across, but I just would have read and just kept on going.
It wouldn't have meant anything to me, I wouldn't have noticed it. Maybe if I was in a pissy mood, I wouldn't have been aligned to the frequency of it. My brain might have filtered it right on out of my conscious awareness. In my mind I would have paid it no attention. It's kind of like have you ever seen a car that really catches your eye and you're like oh, I really love that blue BMW, I really like that. Oh, I love that car. And then you start seeing that car like everywhere out on the roads. Or have you ever learned a word that's new to you? It's not a new word, but a word that's new to you. And then all of a sudden it seems like everybody's using that word. It's like you can't escape that word. It's because your brain is now allowing those bits of information to pass through what is called the critical factor of your mind and to enter your conscious awareness, and so that's why you start seeing more of it. It starts becoming more conscious to you. So what you focus on grows. What you focus on is what your brain allows to enter into the filter of your conscious awareness.
So if you're seeing signs that seem to suggest that you're connected to the universe, let that be your sign that your manifestation's on its way, it's working. You just got to keep going on your path and know that you'll receive it soon. And that's ultimately what I want you guys to take away from today. Okay, please hear me when I say you're doing a great job. Pursuing your dreams is a brave thing to do, and you're doing it. You're brave, and here's how you ultimately can shift your mindset to a place where you don't even need to ask yourself if you're there yet or not, or if it's working for you or not. Unattach yourself from the concept of time and reattach yourself to your own definition of success, because here's the thing you will keep going until you reach that success. So if that's true, it's inevitable that you will reach success. You are either going or your success. So if you keep going, then you'll be successful.
I was thinking about this in terms of my podcast a few weeks ago. Sure, I have a definition of what success looks like for this show, and my normal Brittany mindset started to do some sort of mental computing, was like okay, I'm going to give myself a calendar invite for September 2026. And I'm going to assess that, after three years of the show, if it's worth it or I should continue. And you know, it's kind of feels funny to even say out loud because that's where my brain initially went. It was like I'm going to assign a time period to make sure that I'm realistic about this right Until, all of a sudden, I caught myself. Because I'm human. I caught myself and I was like wait a minute, I'm going to make this show a success. I don't need to assign time to this. I'm either working on it becoming a success or it is a success, and then I'm still doing it because it's a success. Like, those are the two options. I'm not going to stop until it is. Therefore, it will be. So what is that going to look like for you? There's no need to question if your manifestation is working, because you'll know it. When you get there, you'll look up and you'll be like, oh, we're here, how nice. I was just so focused on doing the thing because that was the only other option that I didn't even notice that we've arrived, and then you'll just continue on your merry way.
You guys might think I'm crazy for this, but it's kind of one of the reasons why I've stopped taking these super early pregnancy tests, to use two. I would obsess over when's the first possible day I could take this early result pregnancy test, but then I kind of came to the conclusion that my body will tell me if I'm pregnant In my heads, over the toilet, and I'm puking. I'll probably be like, interesting, I never puke, maybe I'm pregnant. Or when my stomach's getting bigger, I'm like, oh, I'm pregnant. Or when I miss my cycle, I'll be like, huh, interesting, I'm probably pregnant, except for the more I say this out loud I'm realizing. Aren't there freak stories on TLC where they're like I didn't know I was pregnant and I gave birth because my stomach hurt, or something like that? I mean that certainly would be a manifestation story, right, if I just realized one day I was pregnant and gave birth the same day.
Oh, no, cancel, cancel, no universe. I want plenty of advanced notice. I'm manifesting plenty of advanced notice for my baby, thank you. Point being, if I'm like 99.9% of women, I will know when I'm pregnant Once I've missed that cycle, I'll take a test, I'll know. Okay, you'll know it when you're there.
So just keep going. Everything just slows down and distracts you from the real process, which is the doing, which is the continuing to do. So I just want to thank you, travelers, for joining us here today on this journey towards destination manifestation. You're incredible. Just keep going, keep going, stay focused and you'll get there. You'll look up and you'll know when you're there. And if you haven't done so already, be sure to subscribe to this podcast.
Okay, because next week we're going to have a very special guest. Yes, it's not just my voice anymore, y'all, it's going to be two people. Now, I'm not going to announce who the guest is quite yet because, honestly, to tell you the truth, we're recording the episode like two days from now, and so I want to make sure that it's recorded and good and nice and like nothing falls through before I announce anything. But I'm actually going to have a whole slew of guests coming up to the show that I'm super excited about. So it won't only be my face and voice anymore that you're seeing and hearing, but I'm going to have some really inspirational people from reality TV, many people that are in the hypnosis and the manifestation and the coaching space. But all our conversations, regardless of what industry anyone comes from, is all focused on manifestation positive mindset and living your best life. I'm excited for you guys to get to see this other side, to these people that you may know and love. That's really going to be able to learn from them and what they've created in their lives. So here's one other thing I'd like you to do after listening to this episode Be sure to subscribe to the show.
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